Mob Psycho 100 was an anime series that ran from 2016 to 2019. In total 25 episodes of Mob Psycho 100 were aired. Mob Psycho 100 has no reported filler.
Shigeo Kageyama is an eighth\xa0grader with psychic abilities. Since he
was young, he could\xa0bend spoons and lift objects with his mind.\xa0Slowly, he began to withhold himself from using his powers in public due to the attention he wasn't receiving. Along with them, he also began suppressing his emotions.
No one can supress their emotions forever, and the same is true for Mob. When his emotions build up to 100% his capacity, they explode out of him and his psychic powers go crazy.\xa0Now, the only thing he wants is to become friends
with Tsubomi, a cute girl in his class. Under the teachings of his questionable spiritual master, Reigen Arataka,\xa0he continues his middle school\xa0life. Will he reach his ultimate purpose, or will one of his explosions prevent