My Hero Academia is an ongoing anime series that started in 2016. So far 88 episodes of My Hero Academia have been aired. With a total of 4 reported filler episodes, My Hero Academia has a very low filler percentage of 5%.
has dreamt of being a hero all his life—a lofty goal for anyone, but especially challenging for a kid with no superpowers. That’s right, in a world where eighty percent of the population has some kind of super-powered “quirk,” Izuku
was unlucky enough to be born completely normal. But that’s not enough to stop him from enrolling in one of the world’s most prestigious hero academies.
1-29, 31, 33, 35-38, 41-53, 56-57, 59-63, 65-88
30, 34, 40, 54-55
32, 39, 58, 64