Fairy Tail was an anime series that ran from 2009 to 2019. In total 328 episodes of Fairy Tail were aired. With a total of 63 reported filler episodes, Fairy Tail has a low filler percentage of 19%.
The story follows Lucy Heartfilla
who is determined to join the notorious magical Fairy Tail Guild. During a daring rescue, she encounters Natsu who is part of the guild and eventually offers her a place. They become teammates performing various missions for the Fairy
Tail Guild. Be prepared for an action-packed adventure!
1-8, 10-18, 21-48, 51-68, 76-124, 152-200, 227-245, 247-254, 257-259, 261-267, 269, 271-311, 313-328
20, 151, 201, 255, 260, 270, 312
9, 19, 49-50, 69-75, 125-150, 202-226, 268
246, 256